martes, 2 de junio de 2015


-Itchy: picar
-Rash: erupción
-Swollen: hinchado
-Offer conddences
-Feel for you
-What a pity
-Do you mind?
-Im so sorry
-Go ahead
-Allowed to
-Bless you
-Good luck
-Can't be bothered
-Come round
-Fed up


-Draw a croud
-Draw a attention
-Draw a custom
-Draw a conclusión
-Astonishing: amazing
-Youth: juventud
-Blender: licuadora
-Sloppy: descuidado

jueves, 12 de febrero de 2015

Vocabulary: English Book

Concerning: about
Velvet: terciopelo
Gasp: jadear
Have the nerve: tener el valor de
Vacant: empty
Indeed: ciertamente
Threat: amenaza
Patrons: patrocinador
Snort: resoplar
Owe: deber
Snap: vocinazo
Blaze with anger: furious
Harm: damage
Wipe teh damp forehead:
Groan: gemir
Get rid of: despedir/ desahacerse de
Rehearsals: ensayo
Endlessly: never stop
Shimmer: brillar
Swept: arrastrar
Damp: humedo
Bony: huesudo
Faint: desmayo
Fright: miedo
Carry off: llevarse/secuestrar
Hurried: apurado
Steping effortlessly: pasear facilmente
Row off: hilera de
Mist: neblina
Vessel gave off
Soft glow: destello
Dim light: luz tenue
High silk: seda
Opposite shore: orilla opuesta
Ounce: onza
Reach out: estirar el brazo
Grab: coger

Ghastly memory: terrible memoria
 Rushed breathlessly: sin aliento
Squealing: chillando
Level-headed: sensato
Dismissed: descartar
Mere: simple justo
Struggle: prueba
Pierce: perforar
Gaze: contemplar
Startling: sorprendente
Fluttered: ondear agitarse
Chattering: charloteo
Crowd: muchedumbre
Backstage: entre bastidores
Crossly: con ira
Neatly: cuidadosamente
Trimmed: recortado
Delightful: encantado
Gifted: talentoso
Smooth: liso
To refuse: rechazar
Buried: enterrar
Overjoyed: very happy
Grave: tumba
Reject: rechazar
Heart sank: partir el corazón
Betray: traicionar
Faded: desteñido
Amused: entretenido
Blesses: bendecir
Granting: agradecimiento
Tears: lagrima
Inn: posada
Gripped: agarró
Confront: enfrentar
Churchyard: cementerio
Gravestones: lápida
Half-frozen: medio  congelado
Glided: deslizarse
Pay his respect: Mostrar su respeto
Eerie: espeluznante
Doubt: dudar
Shot up: se puso